A couple of summers back, we did our first “real” acoustic show at the lovely Bommars Hälsingegård (a part of the world heritage). It was sold out and fantastic. This summer, on wednesday the 26th of July, we will come back again! Tickets available now!
Archive for the ‘Tour’ Category
We are returning to Åland!
On the 16-17 of June, (one week before Azkena Rock) we will do our first ever acoustic festival show at the Fishbait Rock Festival.
This will actually be our third show there, since we played two shows last summer: One as Conny Bloom’s backup band and one as ourselves with Conny Jumping in for Mats on guitar. Awesome festival and staff, and a great location!
We recommend it!
¡manos arriba!
Pearl Jam, Kiss, Ozzy, The Who, Wilco, Alice Cooper, The Black Crowes e.t.c. These are just some of the acts that have played this festival over the years. And it’s no secret that we LOVE Spain. So:
We are EXTREMELY happy to announce that we are confirmed to play Spain’s biggest rock event: AZKENA ROCK FESTIVAL 2017!
See you on Friday the 23rd of June! (Midsummer’s Eve for us swedes).
Double headline with Conny Bloom at Göta Källare, Stockholm 11 november!
Updated tour schedule! More on it’s way…
Lördag 17 september – Katrineholm, Villa Sandhem
Lördag 8 oktober – Skottvångs Gruva
Torsdag 10 november – Västerås, Intiman
Fredag 11 november – Stockholm, Göta Källare
Cancelled Fredag 25 november – Halmstad, Kajskjulet
Lördag 26 november – Gävle, Fenix
Lördag 10 december – Örebro, East West