Archive for the ‘News’ Category


2018 - 12.14


For the last couple of months, we have been meeting up every now and then up in my mothers log cabin in Boda, Hellsingland, rehearsing intensily on the songs we’ve been writing in the last couple of years. There first were 25 of them, then 20, then 15, and now finally we have chosen the very best 12 songs that we will start record today! 10, or 12 will end up on our fifth studio album that will be released sometime next year.

Once again, we are in the SubMob Studios, Stockholm, with Martin Karlegård behind the knobs. Some of you might remember the hoolabaloo from the recording of the last album, where we told you about some sort of meltdown between us. All we can say about that is: That’s kinda how it’s always been with him and us. (Though that session was perhaps a little more extreme).

But that’s all in the past now, we have buried the hatchet, and things has been sorted out. Martin is our George Martin. We are his Beatles. And that’s just how it is. Ain’t no way around it.

We won’t bore you with any details at this point, but I can tell you this much: It’s gonna be a pretty different record compared to all our previous ones. And I mean that in the best of ways. Let’s see how far down the rabbit hole we can go this time.


PS: Peter will play all guitars on this album. And when it’s all done, we will more actively look out for a new guitarist. We have a few interesting leads, but if you know anyone you think would fit, please give us a tip!


2018 - 10.18

We would like to inform you that Calella Rockfest last Friday was Mats Olsson’s last show with us. We all knew in advance that this was it, so the whole trip was kinda bittersweet. Bitter because we’ve been through A LOT together for the last 12 years. Ups, downs and everything inbetween. Sweet because the show, the fans and our stay there was just as fantastic as always. Here’s a statement from Mats:

”All things must come to an end!
To our beloved fans and friends:
I will not continue to join the Hellsingland journey anymore.
The fantastic show in Calella was my last gig.
I want to thank everyone that has been involved, from fans to promoters, bookers, record company etc and off course the bandmates from the bottom of my heart!
It’s been a hell of a ride but now it stops.
Can’t seem to get the spirit going anymore. 
I have to figure out how to make music fun again. This is not an easy decision to make, and even harder to talk about so I won’t babble on. I want the best for Hellsingland Underground in the future, and that they find a good way to continue forward.
I won’t stop playing and writing so maybe I’ll see you all again in a different form, who knows.
Lots of hugs and kisses from yours truly guitar maestro!?

We have always seen this band as a lifelong thing. Just keep on going as long as it feels meaningful, fun and creative. Or until we all die or get sick. And as long as everybody is in on that vision – it’s fine. But as soon as they’re not – there’s not much you can do about it. This has been coming for some time, so it was bound to happen, this way or the other…

And with that said: The rest of us feel as excited as ever. We have a new fantastic album in the making, that we had planned to start record in november (but we’ll see how that goes ?). This will in many ways open up new possibilities for us. And hopefully for Mats too.

Everything changes. 
Don’t look back. 
It’s only rock ’n’ roll.
And so on.

We love you Mats. And wish you the best of luck with EVERYTHING.

Peace, Love & Hellsingland Forever

Photo by Marias of Sweden


2018 - 08.31

See you in October at the Calella Rockfest!

Hellsingland Underground + Canned Heat = upcoming movie!

2018 - 06.16

We were contacted by filmmaker Björn Rallare earlier this year. He wanted us to star as Canned Heat (which happens to be one o our favourite bands) in a movie about the swedish cult-fiasco festival: Festival Of The Midnight Sun. Of course we said yes! Yesterday was our filming day, and it was a hell lot of fun. So nice to be around other creative people. Can’t wait to see the final result!

We will soon start rehearsing new tracks for our fifth, yet utitled album. These are the only shows we will do this summer/fall: 

Hope to see you all soon.
Peace, Love & Hellsingland