Archive for the ‘News’ Category

The night of the year?

2012 - 10.31

We’ll be having a show with our friends in Imperial State Electric in Gävle at Maxim on Saturday the 17th of November!

We also have some other new shows coming up, check them out!

Order it now on our webshop!

2012 - 10.26



WORLD PREMIERE! Ljusdal by Night…

2012 - 10.19

Hey you!
Brand new video for second single “In The Evening”. Hope you like it as much as we do. And of course – share it wherever and as much as you like!

The video was shot in Ljusdal/Hälsingland/Sweden from afternoon/evening to late night/early morning on Saturday , September 15, 2012. No script, no actors, no directions – all documentary. We just went out with 2 cameras and filmed everyone we met, (who would let us). Hanged around, talked to people, crashed a few parties and had a generally good time doing it. Enjoy!



2012 - 10.04

We got some really nice reviews, how about this one (in english):

“Like most artistic, groundbreaking and innovative bands today, Hellsingland Underground may be dismissed or misunderstood because of their obvious talent, and odds are they won’t reach the global heights they deserve. But obstacles aside, Hellsingland Underground does make the music feel new, which is more than you can say for damn near every other band in the world making music today.” 9,1 OUT OF 10 IN HARDROCK HAVEN! Read the whole review here:

Or this one(in swedish):