Archive for the ‘News’ Category


2016 - 06.08

Finally! Rosehills open air stage in Ljusdal is probably the place we’ve played most times during these 10 years. And one of the places we love playing the most. This garden and the people who runs it is one of the best in Sweden in our opinion, if not the best. But for some reason we haven’t been able to sync HU’s schedule with Rosehills for a couple of years now. But today, we are thrilled to finally confirm that it will happen! It is also the PREMIERE night for the summer. Hell, we might even record a live album this time.

Spread the word!


There’s a thing called football, which is the closest thing to religion that we have in Sweden. Meaning, for example: when the quarter finals for the European Championship are on tv, the whole country stops in it’s tracks, the streets turn COMPLETELLY empty as even the cats and dogs are at home watching the game. Personally, I don’t get it. But that’s a whole different story. This is just the way it is. On the 2nd of July, we play at Rosehills. The quarter finals is on at 21.00 that night. Therefore, we have in a discussion with Rosehills decided to make this an earlier show than first planned starting at 19.00 (instead of eight). To finish up around 20.30. That way, anyone who wants can make it to the nearest tv set in time for the game. We’re nice people in that sense. ?


Out ‘n’ Loud!

2016 - 05.24

Before the HU feat. Conny Bloom feat. HU shows at Fishbait Rock Festival, we just squeezed in another swedish show on Saturday the 11th of June at Hedemora Out ‘n’ Loud! See you in Dalarna!



2016 - 05.20

One one hand, we’re sad to announce that Mats, due to long time booked obligations, isn’t gonna be able to play our show at the Fishbait Rock Festival on Åland on the 17th of June. But on the other hand we are extremely happy to announce his temporary replacement for the evening, namely: Conny Bloom! (Electric Boys, Hanoi Rocks e.t.c)

And, like if that wasn’t enough: HU will be Conny’s backing band on the same night, performing songs from his latest fantastic solo album in Swedish! Call it an exchange of services if you will. We call it a once-in-a-lifetime helluva night!

They will only sell 1000 tickets for this charming little festival, so hurry up and order yours now!

Here’s everything you need to know about the festival:


Not very often…

2016 - 05.14

…but every now an then, you get the feeling of being in the right place.
