Hello there,
We would just like to thank everybody that came to our shows this summer. Most of them were in our second homeland Germany, but also the Rock Vid Havet Festival here in Sweden. It is hard to describe the gratefulness we feel towards all you lovely people out there. This is the stuff we used to dream about as kids. Going on tour abroad, playing for thousands of people that we really feel that we connect with. In some strange way you make us feel less alone in this fucked up world we’re living in. It’s like our lives make some kind of sense finally.
Every gig this summer has been unique in it’s own way. So it is hard to point out any special highlights. Thinking back, they are all highlights, that all in all made this summer one of the best ever in our lives.
It is already getting darker and a little colder up here in ol’ Sweden, but as winter comes along, we will carry these nights and days with us as a warm memory for a long, long time ahead.
So. THANK YOU, THANK YOU! We really do love you all.
Hellsingland Underground
Here’s some random pictures from the summer:
(More pictures here!)